Hi! We are proud to present you this wonderful collection of birthday messages, quotes and greetings for your family, friends, dear ones.

Here you will also find lots of beautiful downloadable birthday cards and images with greeting texts. All ecards are free to download, so you can send them by email, text message or post them on your friend's Facebook wall.

Enjoy your day and have fun!

Card Of The Day

happy birthday

Interesting Facts About Birthday

Did you know that there are about 19 million people that are celebrating birthday on the same day as you do.

It's amazing, but statistic show that when 22 players and a coach are playing football in the field, the possibility that two persons have their birthday on the very same day, is even 50% !

The best known birthday is that of Jesus Christ. All over the world Christians are celebrating this day on Christmas from more than 2000 years.

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